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On left leg rotation to the left On left leg rotation to the right and left On right leg rotation to the left On right rotation to the right low level rotation to the left on one leg on low level


on one leg being behind of the lady. on the spot together to the left. on the spot together to the right and cross step. on the spot together to the right. Turning on the line with head movement in the closed position and opening to the left. Turning on the line with head movement in the closed position. Turning on the line with the head to the front from titanic. Turning on the spot together to the right with head movements. Turning the lady with both hands up and turn for the guy. Turning to the right on the spot with head movements. Turns in Passo Básico Turns in Place

In place


along the line

Turn - Traveling - multiple turns Turn - Traveling - Reverse Yo-Yo (Reverse Ioiô)

Turn - Traveling - Travelling Turn - Traveling - with head motion

along the curve

Tilted/Off Axis/Roasted Chicken/ Rotisserie

Typically turns but can also be spins Tilted Turn Foundations Tilted Turn with Circular Head Movement Diagonal axis Roasted chicken - Rotation to the left Roasted chicken - Rotation to the right Roasted Chicken/Frango Assado Roasted Chicken/Frango Assado - Head Movement in the Horizontal Axis Rotisserie/Roasted Chicken Tilted Axis Turns in place Tilted Spins/ airplane Traveling - Tilted Axis Turn Traveling -Horizontal Axis Turns (Propeller)

Clock Turn

Turn - Clock Turn into Helicopter Turn - Clock Turn into Spiral Spin Turn - Clock Turn with Variations

Balao apagado

balao apagado, balão apagado

From the basic step In the basic step into ArmLock Dive into Clock Turn Reversed Rotation to the left Rotation to the right Balao Apagado into Travelling Circular Head Movement Balao into Rotisserie into Chicote


bonus, boomerang, bônus, bumerange

reverse, Long right turn on the line under the arm (and “ochos” behind the lady). reverse, Long turn on the line with turn for the guys from side step. reverse, Walking around the guy and bumerangue reverse. Turning on the line with head and head movements on the spot from lateral. Double Bônus Hanging head movement (boneca) turning on the line (titanic, prison step and long left turn on the line or Bumerangue). Leading the bumerangue reverse with an impulse. reverse , Long right turn on the line (bumerangue reverse) from basic step and some other steps. reverse, Long right turn on the line (Bumerangue reverse) from basic step. Two variations. To the left To the right With Head Movement Reverse bonus

Yo Yo

yo yo, yo-yo, yoyo, ioio, io io, io-io, ioiô, io iô, io-iô

Changing the hands Circular Io Io into Dive Circular Io Io into Head Flow Circular Io Io into reverse Rotisserie and bonus Crossing the legs Crossing the steps Direction Changes into Backwards Traveling Body Roll into tilted turns complex Leaders on the spot Lock into Colgada (Hanged) Spin into Tilted Turn Main direction On the spot with head movement at the end.


Toalha, Tornado

Changing hands with rotation to the left Changing hands with rotation to the right Changing the hands with rotation to the right Duck trajectory rotation to the left Duck trajectory rotation to the right Entrance in line One hand to the right One hand with rotation to the right square figure


Turn - Combination: Lateral, left turn and lateral again. Turn - Left turn from basic step and lateral step. Turn - Spiral 1 behind the guy. Turn - Breaking the time after a left turn. Turn - Breaking the time in the lateral step. Turn - Chest isolation Turn - Combination: Lateral, right turn and lateral again. Turn - Improving the bumerangue: some details. Turn - Lateral with head and spiral 2. Turn - Lateral, right turn and basic step (two variations). Turn - Left turn behind the guy with both hands. Turn - Left turn from cross step. Turn - Left turn from lateral with left hand up and right hand down. Turn - line Long left turn on the line for the ladies with a turn down for the guys. Turn - line Opening into the line after a zouk turn. Turn - line Pseudo-ioio with both hands after a left turn on the line. Turn - line Turn for the guys after the bumerangue step. Two variations. Turn - line Turning the lady on the line from lateral (the window) and head movement on the line. Turn - line Turning the lady on the line like a Dj and cambré. Turn - Long left turn on the line (bumerangue) from lateral. Turn - Long left turn on the line after cross step. Turn - Long left turn on the line from basic step (the lady will be blocked). Turn - Long left turn on the line with left turn for the guys. Turn - Long left turn on the line with turn to the right for the guys. Turn - Long right turn on the line (bumerangue reverse) Turn - More than one spiral 2 (and turn for the guys). Turn - Multiple zouk turns. Turn - New possibilities for the turns just changing the hands. Turn - normal on the line and return (yoyo) after a left turn. Turn - normal on the line changing the direction 180°. Turn - normal on the line changing the direction 90°. Turn - normal turn on the line. Turn - on the line with head and spiral 2. Turn - on the line with head movement and spiral 2. Turn - Paddling Turn - Paddling turn Turn - preparation Turn - preparation - Crossing back Turn - preparation - Crossing backward Turn - preparation - Crossing forward Turn - preparation - Lateral Turn - preparation - Lunge Turn - Right turn from basic step. Turn - Right turn from lateral. Turn - Right turn on the line after a left turn. Turn - Right turn on the line with head after “the door”. Turn - Simple Turn - Simple spiral 2 from left turn (and headmovements with contact on the back). Turn - Speed up Turn - Spiral 1 with a turn for the guys + elastic and cambré. Turn - Spiral 1. Turn - Spiral 2 after going around the lady and doing head movements turning on the spot. Turn - Spiral 2 Training (to the left and to the right) Turn - Spiral 2 with turn for the guys. Turn - Techniques (Travelling and In place) Turn - The door with a right turn at the beginning (from basic step and from lateral). Turn - The door with hips and different ends. Turn - The door: Left turn with right up and left down. Turn - to the right for the guys after a ioio. Turn - Two right turns on the line with head movements after a left turn with both hands up. Turn -The door playing with the hips to the side. Turn -Turning on the line with head movement in the closed position and opening to the right. Turn - line Opening the lateral step into the line. Turn - Simple turn - To the right Turn - Simple Turn and Viradinha Turn - Bumerangue with the little sun variation. Turn - Compass turn with head motion Turn - Double long left turn on the line with turn to the left (with chocolate) for the guys. Turn - Fundam Turn - Giro Simples (simple turn) into Sweet Heart Turn - one leg spin Turn - reversed compass turn square + foot repositoning Turn - Simple turn Turn - Simple turn - To the left Turn - Traveling Turn - Traveling - and Soltinho Turn - Travelling Turn - Turns in Place - Simple Turn/Avião